Usg Evaluations Of Enlarged Mesenteric Lymphnodes (Emln) In Children And Its Clinical Manifestations

Research Article
Rudra Narayan Dash and Gitanjali Satpathy

Abdominal pain is a common problem nowadays in children 01 years to 10 years. Out of many causes, the appendicitis and Enlarged Mesentropic Lymphnodes are main causes. However, Enlarged Mesentropic Lymphnodes (EMLN) is the main cause of abdominal pain in children. For this purpose, we have taken the USG Evaluation study of EMLN in children. In our study we have taken 300 children who suffered from abdominal pain, vomiting, fever and diarrhea. Out of these, 192 children were found to have EMLN which mimic acute appendicitis. Children of the age group of 03 to 10 years were having EMLN in more numbers.s USG plays a vital role to diagnose EMLN in children which is a safe diagnostic modality to differentiate between EMLN and appendicitis especially in the children with age group of 03 to 10 years