A variation in the formation of median nerve (MN) was observed during routine dissection of brachial plexus (BP) which was performed on adult male cadaver in the department of Anatomy, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College. It was formed by the fusion of three roots, two from the lateral cord and one from the medial cord of the BP. Higher origin of profunda brachi artery was noted from the axillary artery. Fusion of the medial root and lateral root was occurred in front of profunda brachi artery lateral to axillary artery. The variations in the formation of the MN is of great importance for the relationship of the nerve both itself and neighbourhood structures. The roots constituting the MN could be a cause to pressure symptoms on axillary artery and its branches depending on their locations.Surgeons who perform procedures involving neoplasm or repairing trauma need to be aware of these variations especially in post traumatic evaluations and peripheral nerve repair.