Introduction: Allium cepa commonly known as “onion” belongs to family Amaryllidaceae is herbecous monocot plant having potential to decrease cancer, tumor initiation, promate healing of stomach ulcers, reduce the cholesterol, blood pressure and symptoms associated with diabetes mellitus, inhibit platelet aggrergation and prevent inflammatory process associated with asthma. Keeping in view of the above beneficial effects of onion bulb, we sought to analyse the photochemicals present in methanolic as well as in aqueous extract. Materials and Methods: We collected the onion bulb from the local market and washed with tap and distilled water. After drying the onion bulb at room temperature it was crushed and used for aqueous and methanolic extractions. Results: Phytochemical analysis of the onion bulb had most of the important phyto constituents like alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides but we use more than one test reagents for detection of these photochemical constituents and they shows different response for every tests. Alkaloids, carbohydrate, reducing sugar, flavonoids, glycosides test all was show almost positive result for aqueous extract whereas tannin and phenolic compound tests shows positive for methanolic extract. Both extract conform the presence of saponin, amino acid, protein, terpenoids, steroids by showing positive result of these tests and absence of cardiac glycosides. Carbohydrate (9.06mg/ml) and protein (1.45mg/ml) is present in methanolic extract of onion bulb. It also shown 9 spots in methanolic extract7 & 6 spots in aqueous extract 5g and 10g respectively. Conculsion: From above results, we conclude that the result is not only depend upon solvent concentration but also influenced by method which we employed for test. We observed that most of the phytochemical compounds found in aqueous extract than methanolic extract. Antioxidant activity observed is may be due to the presence of flavonoids and phenolic compounds.