Introduction: Burglary becomes a day-to-day affair in the majority of urban centers, particularly in the metropolitan areas. The main reason for this continued crime against society is socio-economic inequality. With ever increasing population in the urban areas due to immigration in search of jobs and less man power in the police department is one of the reasons for this kind of activity. This can be managed with the friendly police concept. For a sample work a Web-based GIS, which is an exciting new method of disseminating of information, organized using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Kumbakonam 45 wards have been taken up for the study. The street wise maps were digitally converted into images and they were re-registered using GPS control points. Once the data (house locked and the date in which they would return back) is entered using any gateways, then the end user, the police department would list the details at their end to view the locked houses on that day. They can keep an additional watch on the locked houses during their night petrol. Though there are 358 households in this sample wards only the houses locked and entered on the web site only BLINKS and the use of mouse pointer would give the details of the household to mark the police personal for monitoring. For those who do not have access to internet based WEB solution an alternate method of entering their house lock-in period has also been devised using Short Message System (SMS). This type of system would reduce the day to day burglary event in near future.