Webgis Application In Urban Tourism – A Case Study Of Megacity Of Hyderabad

Research Article
Deepthi Guntuka and Vijaya Bhole
Urban, Tourism, Tourism Information system, WebGIS, Hyderabad

Hyderabad, a megacity with multidimensional tourism base has a great potential in improving the current tourism potential with application of the internet facilities. Generation of web-based tourist information system, include the location of convention centers, travel agents, service apartments, police stations, and tourist spots. After preparing tourist related spatial data in ArcGIS and its storage in Google maps server (Google Maps Application Programming Interface). It is linked with tourist guide map application with the output map displays that tourism-related information in the form of various thematic layers. This application will enable even the naive users who are not familiar with GIS to browse the tourism spatial content through Web over the Internet. Our research indicates that with the help of this utility tool, tourists, as well as the tourism promoters, will be equally benefitted thereby improving the overall tourism scenario.