Weed Composition In Rice Field Agroecosystem Of Terai-Dooars And Northern Plain Of West Bengal, India

Research Article
Biswajit Das, Mallika MazumderA, Manas Dey and Anup Kumar Sarkar
Weed, Diversity, Phytosociology, Quadrate, Succession, Seral Stage

One of the important biological constraints to successful production of rice cultivation is the appearance and disturbance of weed. To assess the possible loss in rice cultivation due to weeds and to control them it is obligatory to study the ecological diversity and phytosociology of the weed species. The present study is to provide baseline data of weed flora for the assessment of possible trade-offs and synergies between weed biodiversity and rice production. The weeds were further classified into different categories based on their habitat and seral characteristics. In this study 84 weed species were recorded from the 35 families. The highest relative abundance allocated to the families Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Asteraceae. Most dominant weed species of the study site is Cyperus iria L. The study also revealed that majority of the the species are either in Sedge-Meadow Seral stage or Reed-Swamp Seral stage.