Workforce Diversity And Its Influence On Employees’ Performance In Commercial Banks In Mysore District

Research Article
Deepu Kumar and Suresh B.H
Gender diversity, age diversity, physical disability, employees’ performance

Objective: Today workforce diversity has become an emotionally engaging and extremely important challenge to the contemporary management. Workforce diversity contributes to creative innovations, broad viewpoints, better problem solving. The primary objective of this study was to find the effect of workforce diversity on employees’ performance in the banks located in Mysore district, Karnataka State. The study also sought to determine the impact of gender diversity, age diversity and physical disability on employees’ performance of the banks located in Mysore district. Method: A descriptive research method was used in this study. Employees working in the banks are the target respondents. A convenient random sampling method was used to draw samples from commercial banks located in Mysore district in Karnataka. The data were collected through questionnaire from the sample of 80 employees working the banks. The reliability test was conducted and the data was analysed using SPSS software. Finding: The result found that there is a significant effect of workforce diversity on employees’ performance. Gender diversity and age diversity are positively associated with the performance of the employees in banks. It was also found that physical disability has no significant relationship with employees’ performance.