The goal of a well-designed Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) system is to minimize the volume of liquid waste that requires treatment, while also producing a clean stream suitable for use elsewhere in the plant processes. A common ZLD approach is to concentrate (evaporate) the wastewater and then dispose of it as a liquid brine, or further crystallize the brine to a solid. The evaporated water is recovered and recycled while the brine is continually concentrated to a higher solids concentration. The effluents are desired to be treated to meet the regulatory limits. Basically the levels of COD and total suspended solids are to be reduced to acceptable values given by the Pollution Control Board and pH to neutral. Treated water can be reused for activities such as gardening, boiler feed, etc. and the removed waste is classified as organic and inorganic waste and treated accordingly. Other byproducts during treatment, such as hydro carbons, lead etc. are used or sold according to the need of the industry. Other than the necessity of meeting the pollution control board norms, treating the wastewater helps in reusing tons of water within the industry and not wasting a single drop and hence it is called Zero Liquid Discharge. The role of engineer in Zero Liquid Discharge plant is to optimize operating cost, to increase steam economy and to increase solvent recovery.