Rachana sharir is the subject concern with the study of size, shape, measurement & detail structure of different parts as well as sub-parts of our body. Whereas the measurements of our body come under the concept – ‘Praman sharir’. “Pramana-shareera” has been elaborated in different Ayurvedic samhitas by different way. Anguli pramana is one of the type of measurement used in Ayurveda for measuring the dimensions like Ayama (height), Vistara (Length from the tip of middle finger of right hand to the same of left hand in expanded position i.e. arm span), etc. of different parts and sub-parts of human body. According to hypothesis about ‘Sama Ayam-Vistara given in Charaksamhita Viman-sthana 8/118, in healthy person, Ayu (longevity of life), Bala(Physical & Mental - Strength) etc. are best at its maximum if difference in Ayam & Vistara is less . Whereas the difference in Ayam & Vistara increases or decreases, Ayu & Bala will be more or less respectively. In this research project scholar has elaborated the relation of Sama Ayam-Vistara with Krushata individuals under Rasdhatu vikruti as an unhealthy status of a person.Rasdhatu is one of the dhatu from saptadhatu explained in Ayurveda. The statistical analysis illustrates that the average difference in Ayam & Vistara in Rasdhatu Vikruti individuals lies approximate 2 to 4 angula .The outcome of the research project shows the considerable association between Rasdhatu Vikruti individuals and difference in Ayam and Vistara. So the concept of ‘Sama Ayam-Vistara’ helps us to give an idea about the Healthy or Unhealthy status of an individual at its best.