We assume that all children are able to learn, and when faced with a reality where certain students even reach an initial level of literacy, but do not adequately develop their reading and writing skills throughout elementary school. We believe that stories are wonderful sources of experience. They can broaden the child's horizon; increasing your knowledge of the world around you. Through the good and bad characters, ugly and beautiful, good and beautiful; the child has an understanding of some basic values of human and social conduct. Gillig (1999) calls the tales of fairy tales wonderful by the predominance of essential situations present in these, which lead the child to balance the imagination. The author attributes to the tales a kind of divinatory intervention divided into three functions: phantasmagoric, aesthetic and enchantment. According to Bettelheim (1980), the characters and events present in the fairy tales point to some internal conflicts that the child may be feeling at a certain moment in his life, causing him to seek ways and other steps to solve his problems