Neovascularization is the growth of the vascular system which plays a major role in both health and diseases. Angiogenesis is a complex process involving extensive interplay between cell soluble factors and extra cellular matrix components. This assay is the most widely used assay for screening of angiogenic activity. In this study we report the development and validation of a modified quantitative and objective in vivo chick embryo assay with Digital image analysis to screen compounds for anti-angiogenic activity by studying the vessel thickness. The thickness of the blood vessel of group 2 was statistically significant (p<0.001) when compared to group 1. A significant reduction (p<0.001) in the vessel thickness was found in group 3, 4 and 5. The known anti-cancer compound cyclophosphamide (CPA) was used as a standard to study the anti-angiogenic activity of EGCG on chorioallontoic membrane (CAM) of chick embryo.