Acute Arsenic Poisoning On Basis Of Autopsy And Clinical Feature -A Case Report

Case Report
Ashok Kumar Rastogi., Amit Patil., Binay Kumar and Deepak Gawali
Acute, Arsenic, poisoning, cyanosis, haemorrhagic patches, tachypnea, tachycardia, velvety streaks, autopsy.

A joint family was residing in Indore district Madhya Pradesh with eleven members. Grand father and mother, two sons and with their wife’s, elder son has three children younger son has two children. Elder son and his wife with his all three children’s were affected by almost same sign and symptoms. Sign and symptoms initially seen in children and severe affect seen in Children. All affected five person were died, all dead bodied gone through the autopsy examination. Out of them one dead body post-mortem examination conducted at our mortuary of forensic medicine department MGM medical college Indore. Other dead body autopsy conducted on other post mortem examination centre in Indore. Before death person admitted in the hospital clinical finding and symptoms were Diarrhoea and vomiting, low grade fever, breathlessness, Abdominal pain and lower limb pain, Hypotension, Finally semiconscious, cyanosis, tachypnea, tachycardia and hypotension and death, Feature strongly suggestive of acute arsenic poisoning and post-mortem examination finding were cyanosis present on nail bed of all fingers of both hands. Distal part of 2nd toe of left foot was bluish and blackish discoloration seen, on dissection looks like necrosis tissue. Around the anus orifice area skin and mucosa was blackish discolorations seen. Dryness of the conjunctivae in form of taches noire was seen in both eyes. Internal findings of autopsy were in stomach contained about 50 gm mucoid material, mucosa red velvety streaks appearance, multiple sub mucosal haemorrhagic patches seen in stomach, Sub mucosal haemorrhagic patches also seen in small intestine, multiple small haemorrhagic patches seen over the surface of heart lungs and liver. Postmortem findings also coincide with the acute arsenic poisoning.