Introduction: The majority of therapies for malignant tumours are based on chemotherapeutic drugs with cytotoxic effects, which cause death of tumour cells by direct damage to DNA or by inhibition of cell division. The most frequent adverse effects of cisplatin are ototoxicity, nausea/emesis, neurotoxicity, myelosuppression and nephrotoxicity. Methods: This is retrospective study conducted in tertiary care teaching hospital in chemotherapy ward. Total 35 adverse effects recorded in adverse drug reaction reporting form version 1.4 from record of chemotherapy ward. The ADRs were assessed for causality and preventability. Causality assessed by WHO causality assessment scale and Naranjo’s Algorithm. Preventability of ADRs were assessed by modified Schumock and Thornton scale. Result: Most common adverse effect was Bone marrow depression which occurred in 16 patients (45.71%) out of these 4 patients developed Thrombocytopenia, 7 patients developed leukopenia, 4 patients developed mild degree anaemia and 1 patient developed severe degree anaemia. Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting developed in 9 patients (25.71%). Sensory neural hearing loss developed in 4 patients (11.42%). On basis of Naranjo’s algorithm 33 reactions were probable and 2 were possible. On basis of WHO causality assessment scale all reactions were possible. On basis of modified Schumock and Thornton scale all reactions were not preventable. Conclusion: Most of the adverse drug reactions in present this study was mild, and not preventable; therefore, they not affect the therapy.