To establish the psychometric properties of the affect scale (Hindi Version in Indian Context). The affect scale was administered to the adult population (N=200, Age group 30-60 years) of Raipur and Rajnandgaon districts in Chhattisgarh, India. The psychometric property of the scale was established by computing Exploratory Factors analysis, Item analysis (t-ratio), reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha)and validity. The result of the exploratory factor analysis in Varimax rotation model reveals that 46 items were significantly loaded in three factors, finally 43 items were included in three factors their nature of items out of the 46 extracted items. Each item of the scale was highly discriminant. There is a significant negative correlation between positive and negative affect and the significant Positive correlation between Negative and Neutral affect and negative relationship between Positive affect and Neutral affect. The reliability of the affect scale (Hindi) Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.73. The psychometric properties of the Affect scale (Hindi version) confirm that it is are liable and valid measure of the mood status among adult person with age range of 30-60 years.