Mycobial contamination in the indoor environments of libraries is a world-wide problem. These buildings are not only the store house of knowledge in the form of books, manuscripts, etc., but may also serve as conducive habitat for proliferation of this diverse group of fungal organisms due to ambient environment of temperature and humidity. These airborne bioparticles are not only responsible for deterioration and ageing of books and other important documents in the library but may also significantly affect the health of library users. In view of this, aeromycological studies were conducted to enumerate the mycodiversity that is associated with three indoor sites viz., stack areas, reading rooms and newspaper section of Dhanvantri library, which is the central library of University of Jammu. The main objective of the study was to find out the fungal flora at these places and its impact on the library materials, which are stored/processed there. By using settle plate method and modified Czapek Dox Agar medium supplemented with rose-bengal (0.2g/l) and streptomycin sulphate, 17 fungal species belonging to 8 genera were recovered. Four measures of diversity are considered viz., species richness (S), Shannon- Wiener’s diversity index (H'), Simpson Diversity index (1-D) and Sorenson’s similarity index. The values so obtained showed that there is homogenity in the mycodiversity of all the three sites.