Introduction- Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is the most prevalent nutritional deficiency in pregnant females. Iron therapy needs to be administered prophylactically and for treatment of pregnancy anaemia. Oral dose was not sufficient to treat patients with moderate to severe anaemia. Parenteral iron supplementation can be an effective measure to improve health of moderately and severely anaemic patients. Material and method- 149 pregnant women with Hb 6-8.6g/dl were subjected to Hb, PCV, MCV, MCH and MCHC and the same repeated at 2nd ,4th and 6th weeks after completion of parenteral iron sucrose therapy. Results- Hb levels increased from 6.85±0.70 to 7.01±0.70 at 2nd week, 7.71±0.60 at 4th week and 9.26±0.66 at 6th week of iron sucrose administration. After the therapy was completed PCV was raised from32.34 ± 1.84to 46.29 ± 1.42.MCV,MCH and MCHC were better in patients after therapy. Complications like thrombophlebitis, nausea, mild fever, chills, myalgia and vomiting were noticed. Conclusion-Moderate and severely anaemic patients better respond to intravenous iron sucrose as oral iron supplementation cannot meet their needs. This is safe, effective and beneficial measure to improve health status of pregnant women. It is proved to be convenient and compliant method to treat pregnancy anaemia as Indians traditionally prefer parenteral therapy over oral. .