Back ground: Thyroid function abnormalities are found in acute ischemic stroke which is the Basis of present study. Until now there were only few studies about the thyroid function in stroke. The purpose of the present study was to investigate associations of thyroid hormone status with clinical severity and outcome of acute ischemic stroke by utilizing - NIHSS SCORE and to associate the thyroid hormone status and the anterior/posterior circulation involvement of stroke. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective observational study involving 80 patients admitted with acute Ischemic stroke between December 2015 and November 2016 in santhiram general Hospital, nandyal, under departments of medicine and neurology. Results: patients with low t3 level had worse neurological prognosis which was statistically Significant (p=0.001). A total of 80 patients who met inclusion criteria were included in the present study. Mean age of patients was 64.7years, males outnumbered females (27:13). Low t3 level had significantly high mean and median NIHSS when compared with Patients having normal t3 values (p=0.02). Majority of patients (n=6) with low t3 Level had posterior circulation stroke which was statistically significant(p=0.007). Conclusions: Thyroid function abnormalities can serve as a marker for assessing Severity and prognosis of acute ischemic stroke which need to be strengthened by Larger controlled studies.