Worldwide construction industry faces challenges regard to problems associated with productivity and the problem are usually linked with performance of the labour. Productivity assists the construction industries to be competitive, to achieve the objectives and to meet the stakeholder’s expectation. The aim of this paper is to identify and rank the relative importance of factors recognized to affect the labour productivity on construction sites. To achieve this objective, various professionals such as Project Manager, Site Engineer, Architect and other who work on the different level, were invited to participate in the online survey. In questionnaire, factors were divided into 9 groups such as (1) workforce; (2) management team; (3) psychological; (4) schedule compression; (5) material/equipment; (6) supervision; (7) safety; (8) miscellaneous; (9) external. After the analysis of questionnaire, top ten factors which affect labour productivity in construction are: (1) Lack of skill and experience of the workers; (2) Late payment; (3) Poor health of the workers; (4) Low amount of pay; (5) Lack of empowerment; (6) Poor work planning; (7) Design changes; (8) Lack of labour safety; (9) Poor condition of equipment/tools; (10) Ignore safety precautions. The results obtained can be used by the professionals for improving the labour productivity in construction projects