Helical tomotherapy is a type of EBRT radiation treatment that takes into account image guided versatile radiotherapy. Its treatment arranging framework TPS utilizes a convolution superposition calculation for portion conveyance estimations. The precision of this calculation in the nearness of heterogeneities were assessed against Monte Carlo (MC) estimations and measurements. This work performed BEAMnrc-and DOSXYZnrc-based MC portion estimations of tomo treatment conveyances to a CIRS human heterogeneous apparition with normal clinical reverse arranging and conveyance settings. The exploratory outcomes were utilized to assess both the TPS and MC portion counts. The MVCT image set of the treatment simulation environment were utilized for treatment planning and later for treatment delivery by using the Monte Carlo based system developed to account for image value to density table changes. The 3%/3 mm measure was observed for the TPS within the limits of IVDT inhomogeneity recommended by established norms.