Water quality is the measure of physical, chemical and biological properties of water. Water quality depends upon the ecosystem, geology and human uses like industry pollution, water bodies as heat sink and disposal of sewage. Water is getting polluted with the rapidly increasing population, industries and agricultural water demand as well as due to scarcity so it is required to treat the water to get better quality of water for drinking and to find a solution to secure the existing resources. According to an estimate total water resources in India which can be utilised are 2112 mham including 69 mham surface water and 43m ham ground water. The current work deals with the analysis of water quality of different water sources in Dehradun city for which water samples were collected from various sources present from the entire city for analysis. The water samples were tested in laboratory for different water quality parameters as per IS 10500:2012 (Drinking Water Specifications) to determine the suitability in quality with regard to its potable use. The main outcome of this current study will lead to the finding of the exact quality of the sources present in diverse locations of the city.