Analytical study of lipid profile, serum proteins, electrolytes inchronic kidney disease in pre-dialysis patients in tertiarycare hospital in pune maharashtra

Research Article
Salunkhe SN., Barsode SS., Bhosale DG., Salunkhe Sehalata S., Mane Jyoti and Salunkhe Soham S
Dyslipedemia, cardiovasculardisease (CVD), Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Abbott C Chemistry integrated platform method.

Background: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) causes irreversible damage to renal tissue resulting in decreased kidney function. It will affect the cardio-vascular system and leads to morbidity and mortality. Study of lipid profile in chronic kidney disease in pre-dialysis patients Method: 150 CKD adult patients were studied nearly 2:1 M/F sex and gender matched and compared with 150 controlled group. Lipid profile was studied after a minimum 14 hour fasting. About 10 ml blood was collected from median cubital vein and centrifuged at 7000 rpm for fifteen minutes then lipid profile, Serum total cholesterol CHO-PAP, Serum triglycerides GPO-PAP, HDL Direct enzymatic, VlDL & LDL calculated, serum urea Urease (glutamate dehydrogenase (GLD), serum creatinine, (kinetic alkaline picrate) Serum Total Protein Biuret method, Albumin Bromocresyl Green (BCG), (Abbott C Chemistry integrated platform) on Artect Fully Automatic Machin. Electrolytes sodium (Na), Serum potassium (K) Calcium (Ca) done by Alinity ICT module indirect ion selective electrode method.  Haemogram done with Modified cynmeth haemoglobin method, The obtained results in both groups were noted and compared. Result: Biochemical parameters had significant p values (p<0.001) except serum sodium. Overall dyslipidemia was present in 27 (18%) CKD and absent in 123 (82%) CKD patients out 150, 9 (6%) patients were in 3rd stage, 45 (30%) were at stage-IV, 96 (64%) were at Vth  stage. In correlation of lipid profile with GFR, TG, HDL and VLDL had significant p value (p<0.001).Conclusion: Present pragmatic study interprets that, dyslipidemia progress with CKD. Early monitoring of lipid profile may help to control the progression of CKD and avoid morbidity and mortality of Chronic Kidne Disease patients.