India has the highest number of irreversibly blind children than any other country. Nearly 70% of the childhood blindness in India is avoidable. This study was conducted to find out the anterior segment causes of blindness among 204 children attending blind schools in Chittoor and adjacent districts of Andhra Pradesh. A predesigned interview schedule was used to collect the required information. Anterior segment examination was done using a torch and magnifying loupe with slit lamp examination in necessary cases. It was found that in 39.3% cases, the blindness was avoidable (treatable -27.0%; preventable-12.3%). Anterior segment causes accounted for majority of causes of blindness (46.6%) with lens being the most commonly involved anatomical site (20.6%) followed by cornea (17.2%). Thus anterior segment causes are the major contributory factors for blindness in children. A significant proportion of them like congenital cataract, Vitamin A deficiency and congenital glaucoma can be treated or prevented.