The renewed aggressive behavior among young people in Abidjan in general and in Abobo commune in particular, has become a major concern for the population, the government and especially scientists. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with the upsurge of aggressive behavior among young people in precarious situations in the Kennedy neighborhood of the municipality of Abobo. It is based on a collection of data by observation and immersion in the field of aggressive youth, approached through contacts established with their leaders. The data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews conducted from November 19, 2016 to February 28, 2017 among 60 young boys first obtained by snowball and then by empirical saturation. The data collected was then transcribed manually in their entirety and each transcript was subjected to thematic content analysis. The analysis shows that the majority of young people were militia or members of a self-defense group during the post-election crisis of 2010 and are idle. Almost all of them are drug users and adulterated alcohol. The majority of these youth reported being abused during their childhood. Our study makes it possible to understand that the expression of aggressive behaviors of the young people of the Abobo kennedy district is part of a logic of frustration with promises not held by politicians, all associated with idleness, the use of psychoactive substances and events experienced during childhood. The creation of care structures and real employment opportunities for young people in precarious environments seems to be necessary