The significant requirement of anthropometric characteristics besides other factors which are required for specific body build for good performance in sports has been established fact in different research studies conducted. The sports performance of Indian players is progressing significantly and it could be due to various factors. Body somatotype and body composition (forty four male players national level players were studied at Sports Authority of India, Delhi. Average height and weight of the male players of the present research were 170.81 cm (± 7.45) and 59.36 kg (± 10.43) respectively with mean age of 15.30 yr (± 1.8). The height ranged between 158.0 cm and 188.0 cm whereas that of body mass was between 39.0 kg and 96 kg. The body fat% of 8.03 (SD ± 2.8, range 1.59 % 13.05%) was seen for the national level players. On an average less mesomorph component was observed for the national level players (0.81±0.31 3.18±1.45 3.74±1.55). Anthropometric characteristics in terms of Somatotype of the Indian Players were poor compare to Olympians and other international players