Antibacterial, antioxidant and phytochemical evaluation of an endangered medicinal plant Saraca asoca

Research Article
Ashwini., Ramachandra Y.L and Padmalatha S. Rai*
Saraca asoca, Secondary metabolites, anti-microbial activity

S.asoca is an ancient Ayurvedic medicinal tree that is used worldwide to treat various kinds of human disorders. The present research evaluates the anti-microbial activity of leaf (Methanol) endophytic extracts of the S.  asoca plant by the disc diffusion method against E. coli, P. syringae P. aeruginosa, and B. subtilis, S. aureus, K. sinensis. Methanolic extract of leaves showed the activity against these bacterial species. The secondary metabolites investigation of leaves of endophytic extract shows the presence of steroids, terpenoids, tannins, Alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenoids, cardiac glycosides, etc. The anti-oxidant assay of Rhizopus sps and Trichoderma sps species shows maximum absorbance at 300µg/ml concentration with its IC50.