A study on assessment of the consumer awareness and preference towards organic vegetables in Belagavi district of Karnataka, The primary data were collected from 60 organic vegetable consumers through structured questionnaire method for the study. 90.00 per cent of the consumers expressed that organically grown vegetables protect the health followed by 81.67 per cent of the consumer openied that organically grown vegetable more taste than chemically grown vegetables. It was found that 86.67 per cent of the consumer opined that organically grown vegetables have long shelf life. Cent per cent of the consumers opined that the statement as organic vegetables are tastier. In case of the health benefit attribute, the four statements have been formed to ask with consumers. Majority 88.34 per cent of the consumers agreed that organic vegetables are safe food for children and sick person. Keeping quality or shelf life of the organic vegetables, 68.33 per cent of the consumers agreed that organic vegetables stay more fresh comparatively conventional vegetables. Factor influencing for purchasing of organic vegetables, consumers opined that healthy and hygienically produced was considered as the foremost factor (mean score of 74.56). Second important factor was good quality (mean score of 67.30) and third important factor was freshly available (mean score of 63.42). Good taste (mean score of 65.50). It was found that the problems faced by the consumers for purchasing the organic vegetables. 95.00 per cent of the consumer respondents faced the problem of insufficient quantity and non-availability of the organic vegetables followed by 93.34 per cent of the consumers faced the problem of low produce range of the vegetables.