Assessment Of Knowledge Regarding Needle Stick Injury Among Staff Nurses

Research Article
Rajni Thapa and Supriya
Needle sticks injuries, Staff Nurses.

Occupational accidents are common in any area of work, including hospitals. One of the most potentially hazardous procedure that health care personnel face is using and disposing of needles and sharps. Needle stick injuries present a major risk for infection with Hepatitis-B virus, HepatitisC virus and HIV. The research study titled “A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding prevention of needle stick injury among staff nurses working in selected Hospital at Dehradun”was conducted to assess the knowledge of staff nurses regarding prevention of needle stick injuries. A survey was done by using random sampling technique to select the 50 staff nurses. The finding of the study revealed that 20% Nurses have inadequate knowledge, 66% Nurses have Moderate Knowledge and only a few number of nurses (14%) have adequate knowledge regarding prevention of Needle stick injuries. It was also proved that the overall mean knowledge score was 51.5%.The study concluded that staff nurses did not have adequate knowledge regarding prevention of needle stick injuries