Introduction: Nowadays older people are the vulnerable groups of the society suffering with many problems. As people are educating more and more the importance given to elders is drastically reducing. Adolescents can be educated regarding the importance, role of elderly in their life, as they are the future responsible person of the family.
Objective: To assess the attitude of adolescents towards elderly and to find association between attitude score and selected demographic variables.
Methodology: Descriptive survey approach was used to assess the attitude of adolescents towards elderly in selected Pre University colleges of Mangaluru. Non probability purposive sampling technique was used to select the 100 samples. Data was gathered using demographic data and attitude statements and data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Result: The findings of this study revealed that the majority of the adolescents (96%) have favorable attitude towards the elderly and there was no significant association between the demographic variables and attitude score.
Conclusion: The study concluded that the adolescents had favorable attitude towards elderly. It was recommended for some continuing teaching programs for adolescents to modify their behavior.