Bird community of a particular area serve as an indicator of ecosystem and could be used for monitoring long term change in the ecosystem. Survey on Avian diversity was carried out in and around Lungleng I village, Mizoram, northeast India by intensive field study, opportunistic sampling as well as collation of secondary information during April 2016-March 2017. A total of 114 species of birds belonging to 40 families, including 4 locally extinct species and 5 winter visitors were recorded. The list contains two near-threatened species. Family-wise species composition indicated that muscicapidae is the largest family with 13 species, followed by sylviidae with 8 species, phasianidae and picidae with 7 species each and columbidae with 6 species. And 19 families are represented by one species each. It was observed that the study site harbours such a good avian diversity, but the relative abundance is notably thin. This might be attributed to loss of habitat requirement due to various anthropogenic activities.