Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is a non malignant enlargement of the prostate gland and a common disease among elderly men. The disease typically manifests with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), and can be classified as either voiding or storage symptoms. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge on benign prostate hyperplasia among men and the objectives was to assess the knowledge on benign prostate hyperplasia & to associate the level of knowledge on benign prostate hyperplasia with their selected demographic variables. Non-experimental quantitative research approach was used, cross sectional descriptive research design was adopted a total of 200 samples were selected by using convenience sampling technique. Results show that 45 % (90) of men have inadequate knowledge, 50.5% (101) of men have moderate knowledge and 4.5% (9) of men have adequate knowledge on benign prostate hyperplasia and the study concludes that there is moderate knowledge on benign prostate hyperplasia among the respondents. So, there is need to improve the knowledge on disease condition for early detection of signs and symptoms.