Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease of joints characterized by symmetrical relapsing ankylosing polyarthritis affecting mainly the peripheral small joints associated with varied constitutional symptoms and serological evidence of auto- reactivity. It is comparable to the disease ‘Amavata’ in Ayurveda. The symptoms are produced due to the vitiation of Vata (biophysical force) along with the formation of Ama (bio-toxin). The Ama is carried by the aggravated Vata and deposited in Sleshmasthanas (Seats of biophysical force, kapha like joints etc.) producing features like Angamarda (body ache), Aruchi (loss of appetite), Alasya (weakness), Sandhiruk (joint pain), Sandhisopha (joint swelling) etc. Ayurveda acharya, Sri. Madhavakara in his book Madhava Nidana described the features of Amavata for the first time whereas the treatment of Amavata was first explained by Acharya Cakradatta. The treatment modalities like Langhana (fasting therapy), Swedana (fomentation therapy), use of drugs having Tikta Katu rasa (bitter and pungent taste), deepana (kindling digestive fire) property, Snehapana (oral intake of Ayurvedic medicated ghee), Virechana (purgation therapy), Vasti (enema) etc. are the treatments advised. In the present study, the treatment of a female patient having features of Rheumatoid Arthritis treated with Langhana, Swedana, Dravyas having Tikta Katu rasa, deepana properties for Samana purpose and Virechana have been discussed. The treatment modalities done showed marked improvement in the patient’s signs and symptoms and blood investigations and hence was found fruitful