The Aflatoxin B1is one of the most carcinogenic compound, commonly found in cereals and grains and bringsignificant threats to food and feed industry including animal production. The aimof this research was to look for aflatoxin B1 degradative bacteria from soil samples and oil seeds. Among a collection of degradative bacteria isolates, the strains IFS2, IFS3, UISF5 and UISF7 were selected based on its ability to utilization of Aflatoxin B1at concentration of (2µg/mL) as a sole carbon source. Thin layer chromatographyand Spectro-densitometric methods were employed to extract the residual Aflatoxin B1 concentrations qualitatively and quantitatively. Bacillus sp. IFS2 had strong ability to degrade the highly toxic Aflatoxin B1 where the degradation percentage of IFS2 culture supernatant degrade 61% AFB1 at48 hrs. of incubation period compared to 46% and 51% by cell extracts and viable cells, respectively. The results implied that aflatoxin B1 degradation was mainly noticed in the cell supernatant than cell extractand cells culture. The cell supernatant was characterized by considerable activity at wide range of temperatures and PH. The morphological and biochemical studies of identification indicated that the strains IFS2, IFS3, UIFS5 and UIFS7 belongs to Bacillus Sp. Pseudomonas Sp. Lactobacillus Sp. and Serratia Sp. Respectively. Based on the efficiency of degradation, Bacillus Sp. IFS2 characterized by 16S rRNA sequencing and the results indicated that IFS2 belongs to Bacillus thuringiensis and 626bp nucleotide sequence was provided with a GenBank accession number MG407658. Biosafety results indicated that Aflatoxin B1 detoxification is an enzymatic and extracellular enzyme had the high ability to detoxify.Bacillus thuringiensis, was reported first time in the degradation of Aflatoxin B1 by this research work