Bionic Limbs – Better Amputation

Research Article
Beulah Jasmine Rao
Bionics , Prosthesis, Cybernetic, Nano Technology , Hydraulics

Prosthetic limbs are advancing in leaps and bounds, They're becoming computerized, braincontrolled, and sensational, Typical amputations slice right through a patient's nerves and muscles, leaving some extra muscle to tuck around the end of the limb for cushioning, Mind‐controlled bionic limbs. The next advance inbionic limb technology is the emergence of mind‐controlled bionic limbs. These are prostheses which can be integrated with body tissues, including the nervous system. A mindcontrolled prosthetic arm & different types of prosthetic limbs are designed with different goals in mind. Often these goals depend on the site of the amputation and the needs of the patient & For example, a cosmetic prosthetic limb, called a cosmesis, is designed with appearance in mind rather than controllability. Advanced plastics and pigments uniquely matched to the patient's own skin tone allow a modern day cosmesis to take on an amazingly life-like appearance. Even details such as freckles, hair and fingerprints can be included, bringing the cosmesis to the point where it's nearly indistinguishable from the original missing arm or leg.