Lead is the most ubiquitous, unessential and detrimental heavy metal even at very trivial level. Exposure of lead occurs through the soft tissue of different organ systems like gastrointestinal, excretory, nervous and reproductive tissue of animals. In this study male Swiss albino mice weighing 15–30 g (age 2-2.5 months) were randomly divided into different groups. In order to assess the cellular oxidative stress due to Pb (II) toxicity, LPO level, reduced glutathione content, and total protein level were measured in different tissues like brain, liver, testis and kidney of these animals. Assay of some antioxidant enzymes like catalase and glutathione s-transferase were carried out. These biochemical observations were supplemented with some histological examination of liver, brain, testis and kidney. Recovery from lead burden of intoxicated mice was also analyzed. In this study an attempt was made to evaluate the bioremediation efficacy of the dead biomass of the fungal strain, AspergillusfoetidusMTCC8876 for the removal of lead from the different tissues of a lead treated male Swiss albino mice