Numerous studies found an association between body image and self-esteem. Yet factors like religion, cultural diversity, and luxury lifestyle in UAE could modify such associations. This study aims to investigate the association between body image satisfaction and self-esteem among adults in UAE. A cross-sectional study was used to enroll a convenient sample of adults 20-40 years old. Subjects filled out questionnaires where body image satisfaction was assessed using a five-point Likert scale while Rosenberg’s test and CIMEC test were used to measure self-esteem and social influence respectively. A total of 326 subjects were included in the study. A significant positive association was found between body image satisfaction and self-esteem. Among those not satisfied 12.3% had high self-esteem, compared to 80.2 % among the satisfied group (χ²=19.548, p=0.001). Those who were satisfied with their body image showed more selfconfidence, perceived themselves as people of worth, and showed positive attitude towards themselves.