Middle meningeal artery (MMA) is a branch of maxillary artery. It enters the cranial cavity through foramen spinosum. It runs vertically upwards about 2cm and divides into anterior (Frontal) & posterior (parietal) branches. The frontal branch runs towards the Pterion and then proceeds midway between nasion & inion. 70 vault of the skull were studied. In present study we observed the anterior branch followed the normal course in 52 (37%) sides. It is divided into two branches in 42 sides (30%) of the vault. Divided into three branches in 7 sides (5%) & multiple branches in 25 sides (17.8%). There were two anterior branches on 14 sides (10%) of the vault. The anterior branch is approachable to the Pterion and it is an emergency procedure to save a life of an individual by stopping the extra dural bleed which can take place only in 37% of the cases where as it is not possible in rest of the cases.