Capparis Decidua (Forsk.) Edgew: A Review Of Its Traditional Use And Antimicrobial Activities

Review Article
Bijal D Patel and Arun Kumar Mishra
Capparis deciduas, Kair, traditional use, disc diffusion method, antimicrobial activities

Capparis deciduas (Forsk.) Edgew, commonly known as Kair (in Hindi), Caper berry (in English) and Karira (in Sanskrit),belongs to the family Capparidaceae. It is important medicinal plant, found in subtropical and tropical zones and other arid regions in southern Asia. It is a densely branched shrub, reaching a height of 4-5 m, with clear bole of 2.5 m. Its branches are tender and waxy with rough, corky, gray bark. It is an important plant of traditional Indian System of Medicine (ISM) and is mainly used to treat cough, asthma, ulcers, boils, piles and as antidiabetic remedy, antihypertensive, hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory. Traditional Capparis deciduas is widely used to treat the microbial infections due to their rich source of antimicrobial activity and less cost. The different plant parts such as seed, fruit, root, bark, stem, leaf and even the whole plant were extracted using different solvents. This plant extracts were tested by disc diffusion method against gram positive, gram negative bacteria and fungi to determine their antimicrobial activity. In the present review paper, antimicrobial properties of C. decidua reviewed. The present review deals with the antibacterial and antifungal activity of C.decidua