Botia almorhae, an endangered loach has both ornamental and edible value. The present study reveals the breeding of the ornamental fish in captivity, the embryonic development and conservation of the fish in its natural habitat. The fecundity of females ranged from 12632 to 22456. The fish spawns in flowing water system at night. Embryonic and post embryonic development were recorded for 7 days. Each fish was given a dose of 0.025ml of WOVA-FH, a synthetic hormone, for induced breeding. The fertilized eggs measuring 1-2 mm in diameter were observed to be demersal, non-adhesive and optically transparent. The embryos hatched after 15.30 -16.00 h from the chorion and measured 2.5 mm in total length. The present work thus contributed to the deficient information for Botia almorhae. Embryonic development and captive breeding of this fish can therefore play a great role in the conservation and habitat protection.