Common carotid artery pseudo-aneurysm following stenting are very rare and potentially harmful, however appropriate treatment is warranted in order to prevent neurologic complications and rupture. We describe a case of failed carotid stenting resulting a large extra-cranial carotid pseudoaneurysm who was treated with an interposition 5mm ePTFE graft. A 62-year-old man presented with pulsatile mass on the left side of the neck with a palpable thrill and systolic bruit and on evaluation with Duplex scan and computed tomographic angiography confirmed a case of pseudoaneurysm of the left common carotid artery (50mm × 34 mm). A 5mm e-PTFE graft was used as an interposition graft after excision of aneurysmal sac and postoperatively, patient was advised to take Ecosprin 75mg daily for life long. There were no postoperative complications, and on the 7th post-operative day patient was discharged from the hospital in good ambulatory condition. After a follow-up of 18 months, the bypass graft was patent and there were no neurologic complications.