Introduction: Changes in the behavior Title of the article: Changes in the behavior indicators during the COVID-19 pandemic among school going children of Thiruvananthapuram District
Methodology: Two hundred and fifty school going children (10-12 years) were randomly selected from four schools from Trivandrum district. Pre and Post study was conducted in this study for a assessing the changes in the behavior indicators of school going children before and during pandemic.
Results: Compared to before the epidemic, the majority of children’s have changed their behavior pattern. Children had the habit of spending more time for using gadgets, hours of sleep and watching television were increased during pandemic .The important notable thing was daily sitting time for study were decreased during pandemic when compared with before pandemic.
Conclusion: Findings of the present study recommends that there is a need to decrease the consumption pattern of unhealthy foods and need to increase the consumption of healthy foods in children. Because the unhealthy consumption pattern of food may cause many health problems in children.
Key Issues: Covid pandemic had an impact on the behavior indicators.