Changes In The Immune System Depending On The Stage Ofburn Disease And The Area Of Thermal Destruction.Immunoglobin Replacement Therapy With Gabriglobin

Research Article
ZemskovVM.,AlekseevAA., KozlovaMN., ShiskinaNS., BleykhmanDA., ZemskovAM and SuchkovSV
Burns; Biomarkers; Immune Diagnostics; Treatment and Prevention of Sepsis, IgG immunotherapy

In this article we consider changes in the immune system at different stages of burn disease - in acute burn shock, acute burn toxemia and septic burn. Alternative changes revealed - hyper-activation of the immune system and simultaneous development of various indicators of immunodeficiency, which was more pronounced at higher volume of thermal injury. The use of immunosupportive therapy with Ig (> 99% monomeric IgG with disintegrated structure [Russia]) for treatment of septic complications of burns and prevention of sepsis, graded patient's hyper-activation and immunodeficiency, restoring not only the shortage of IgG, but also a strong immunosupportive effect, providing more rapid relief of leukocytosis with left shift, reduction of hyper-activation immune markers, elimination of lymphocyte deficiency, IgG, B-cells and T-L, natural killer cells, cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. According to the clinical and laboratory data gabriglobin efficiency in the treatment of sepsis: 79% (without gabriglobin- 32%), with its prevention - 72% (without gabriglobin - 37%). Mortality in the treatment of sepsis - 37.5%, with conventional therapy - 46%