Chemical composition, fibre dimensions and morphology, elemental analysis and paper characterisation of Acacia seyal (A. seyal), Ziziphus spina-christi (Z. christi) and Tamarindus indica (T. indica) were investigated. Kraft and soda-anthraquinone (so-AQ) pulping as sulfur-free processes were applied. It was found that, the cellulose content of Z. Christi, A. seyal and T. indica 48.50%, 46.00% and 44.60%, respectively, which is in the range of hardwood. Klason lignin was found to be highest in T. indica 22.20% while it was 20.82% and 19.70% in A. seyal and T. indica, respectively. The solubility with 1% NaOH was 24.40%, 22.00% and 21.40% for T. indica, A. seyal and Z. Christi, respectively. Moreover, Z. Christi showed highest pulp yield (46.60% and 45.30%) with viscosity of (650 ml/g and 590 ml/g) and kappa number of (21.50 and 19.80) for kraft and soda-AQ pulping, respectively. T. indica reached the brightness of 75.30% and 71.72% for soda-AQ and kraft pulps, while it was (69.20% and 67.42%) and (75.30% and 71.72% ) for soda-AQ and kraft pulps of A. seyal and Z. Christi, respectively. Z. christi showed slightly high average fibre length 0.88 mm compared to 0.77 mm and 0.76 mm of A.seyal and T. indica, respectively. The studied materials have a potential application in pulp and paper making due to the good mechanical properties (tensile, tear, burst and fold).