Characterization Of Malassezia Species Isolated From Pityriasis Versicolor Patients And Healthy Subjects Of North-East India By Pcr-Rflp And 26srdna Sequencing

Research Article
Sharma, A., Rabha, D., Hazarika, D., Saikia, A and Ahmed, G
Malassezia, pityriasis versicolor, North-east India, PCR-RFLP, Healthy subjects, Sequencing

The genus Malassezia has gained importance as an opportunistic yeast for its association with many diseases ranging from pityriasis versicolor (PV) to invasive mycosis. Previous studies reported interesting geographical variations in prevalence of Malassezia species. The distribution of this emerging yeast in north-east India has not been fully explored. Hence, the present study aimed to determine distribution of Malassezia species in PV patients and healthy individuals in north-east India. The study included 200 PV patients and 200 healthy individuals. After isolation, Malassezia species were identified by phenotypic and molecular methods. The mean colony count of Malassezia species were significantly higher in lesional than non-lesional areas of PV patients. The predominant species was M. furfur (72.8%) followed by M. globosa (14.9%). M. furfur (92.5%) predominated in healthy skin also. Distribution of Malassezia species in PV lesions and healthy skin in north-east India varies significantly from many geographical regions across the world.