The present work is claimed to tend definitely to the advancement of knowledge regarding the local history of Chotanagpur, as no specific material, on socio historical line is available; embodying the researchers of different scholars is known to have yet been written. It further claims to be the result of the recovery of dying traditions, local records, documentary and archaeological and collection of other scattered fragments of materials, carefully collected, correlated and systematized in the form of a continuous narrative. The object of writing this treatise is to present in outline the history of the tract, known as Chota Nagpur in the Pre-British period, which is even now the dark period for the country. F.B.Bradley Birt characterized the tract as a little known province of the empire. It is a matter of great regret that no history of this plateau, in the form of a continuous narrative, embodying the results of specialist studies after critical shifting, has yet been written by a competent scholar. Though S.C.Roy’s excellent treatise contains, besides ethnological and anthropological observations, some historical references relating to the district of Ranchi, where the Mundas predominate but the author has not included in that work the history of the other districts of the division.Thus there has been a long felt need for a history of this country.