Based on preliminary observations, there are still students of Economic Development Faculty of Economics of Bung Hatta University who in the course of Civic Education only receive the description from the lecturers, and not a few students who do not know the importance of the implementation of the concept of insight of the archipelago and national resilience in the life of society, nation and state by applying conception of Pancasila Philosophy, applying the State Constitution in daily life. This research aimed to optimize the civic education program of the students of Development Economics class of 2017 through contextual approach. This research will be undertaken at the local Economy Development Class A faculty of economics. The research method is Classroom Action Research. The results show that civic education courses in development economics using contextual approach has been running optimally. This is evidenced by the results of student tests that reach an average value of 85.36 and students who reach the value> 80 has reached 83.33%. This cannot be separated from the optimal implementation of the seven principles of contextual approach itself. The research procedure is done with 2 cycles, and the activities of each cycle are planning, Implementation of Action and reflection. Data collection is done by observation, test and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively to describe the improvement of achievement of success indicator of each cycle.