Introduction: It is reported that there is 96% success rate in using taping as a conservative treatment regimen for PFPS. Australian physical therapist Jenny McConnell has developed patellar taping. We know that many clinical trials have shown that patellar taping can be very important and effective part in reducing pain and improving function in patients with PFPS.
Aims and Objectives: To determine the intra-rater reliability of related clinical examination items for identifying patients who respond to patellar taping. To determine the predictive validity of same related clinical examination items for identifying patients who would respond to patellar taping. To develop a CPR derived from selected clinical examination items that would incorporated fewer clinical variables and provide the most certain outcome.
Method: 50 subject both males and females between age group of 18-40 years will be enrolled in the study. The subjects will be randomised into 2 groups, one controlled which are on conservative treatment and second which are on our intervention, i.e. taping. They will be clinically examined for PFPS and those clients who showed signs and symptoms for the above mentioned condition will be included. The diagnosis of PFPS will be determined by clinical symptoms of anterior/retro-patellar knee pain during weight bearing activities.
Results: Tibial angulations, Ankle dorsiflexion with knee flexed, Patellar tilt and Tibial angulations are major four characteristics in the study and two were identified by logistic regression analysis to form the CPR for intervention success and those were Tibial varum > 50 and Positive Patellar tilt test.