Background: Fibroadenoma (Adenofibroma) is a benign tumour, it is composed of both stromal and epithelial elements in the breast . analysis of pattern and prevalence should provide a valuable guideline for clinicians in India for comparison with other countries. Aim: The aim of the study is clinical profile of fibroadenoma in rural vibharbha central india. Methods: The present cross-sectional study was carried out in a rural medical college & hospital during the period 1 st January 2013 to 30 th June 2014 in 1236 cases with benign breast diseases. A detailed clinical history and physical examination was carried out in all the females (1236) with benign breast diseases and finding were recorded in a standard proforma. Results: Among a total of 1236 with benign breast diseases, fibroadenoma was the most common lesion constituting 842 (68.12%) cases which included 837 (99.4%) fibroadenomas, 4 (0.5%) giant fibroadenomas and 1(0.1%) multiple fibroadenomas. Conclusion: fibroadenoma are the most common benign lesions of the breast. Conservative and management or observation can be followed in young women