This study investigates and address the growing area of microfinance; it explores the clustering of Self Help Groups a microfinance delivery model in context of their performance measurement criteria. Self Help group facing problem of diseconomies of scale as they function in a small group they will not able to compete for marketing their produce as compare to big brand. This paper uses primary data collected from 171 SHGs on Likert scale operating in Jhajjar block of Haryana. The variables of study are; clarity of mission & vision, Frequency of meeting, regularity of saving & repayment, strictness of following group norms etc. This paper proposing a view for devising base for clustering self-help groups. Itwould be of interest to regulatory bodies, business practitioners and academic researchers. This paper contributes to the literature for the purpose of marketing and meeting economies of scale at large level by introducing a framework for identifying and analyzing performance parameter by using cluster analysis.