Comparative Analysis On Optical, Thermal And Structural Characterization Of Barium Tartrate Crystal Grown In The Presence And Absense Of Magnetic Field

Research Article
Vidhya R.G., Ramasamy R and Vijayalakshmi L
Tartrate; gelgrowth; XRD; Thermal analysis; FTIR

There are many reports presenting the growth and influence of various parameters such as gel density, concentration of reactants etc on the growth mechanism of barium tartrate crystal. Characterization on single crystals of barium mixed strontium tartrate crystals and barium mixed calcium tartrate tetrahydrate crystals are reported. To the best of our knowledge there are no literature available on barium tartrate crystals grown under the influence of magnetic field. In this paper we report the comparative analysis of the optical, thermal and structural properties of barium tartrate crystals grown in the presence and absence of magnetic field. There is small variations in the refractive index, bandgap energy, PXRD pattern and cell parameters