The purpose of the study was to find out the comparison difference of job satisfaction among the physical education teachers placed through different placement agencies in Pune city. Total 45 teachers were selected purposively from four different agencies for this study. The study was restricted in Pune city and the age of the subjects were ranging from 22 to 27 years. The research literature reviewed in this study was based on the relevant references available in the related websites and the library of college of physical education, BVDU, Pune. The mentally disturbed teachers were excluded in this study and those who are not physical education teachers were also excluded. Job satisfaction scale questionnaire was developed by Dr. (Mrs) MeeraDexit (Lucknow) of national psychological corporation. To analysis the collected data, ANOVA test was employed followed by LSD post hoc test and the level of significance was set on 0.05 levels. Findings revealed no significant difference in relation to job satisfaction as the calculated f-value 0.23 is much lesser than the tabulated value (2, 43)5.15 which is not significant at 0.05 level.